Mayo Clinic: Embracing a Positive Mindset During Menopause

Menopause is a healthy and natural part of a woman's reproductive evolution. Yet, in the United States, menopause is steeped in negative stereotypes, and many women anticipate menopause with trepidation.1
However, research suggests that menopause is a highly individualized experience, determined in part by the attitudes and beliefs a woman holds about this transition.1 In fact, many studies show that a woman can improve the experience, and reduce symptoms, simply by adopting a more positive mindset during menopause.2
What is menopause?
Menopause marks the natural end of a woman's menstrual cycle and fertility. By definition, it occurs after you've gone a year without having a period.3,4 Beginning in your late 30s, your ovaries start to produce less estrogen and progesterone – the hormones that regulate your menstrual cycle. Over time, these two hormones continue to diminish, your ovaries eventually stop producing eggs, and you stop having periods.
For most women, menopause occurs between the ages of 40 and 58, with the average age in the United States being 51.3
Menopause experiences vary widely
Each woman's experience in the months or years leading up to menopause – called perimenopause – is different.5 Menopause symptoms vary across cultures, ethnic groups, and socioeconomic status. For example, women from Japan and China are much less likely to report having hot flashes than women in the United States and Europe.3,6
This might be attributed, in part, to differences in how these cultures view menopause, as well as differences in diet and lifestyle.1,2,6 The takeaway from all this? There is not one "universal" menopause experience. Instead, your menopause will be determined by the interaction between your unique biology, your culture, and your personal outlook.
Some women only notice the eventual cessation of their period, while others experience a variety of physical symptoms, including:
- Menstrual cycle changes. Periods can last for fewer or more days than usual. You will likely begin to skip periods for a month or months at a time. The blood flow during your period can become heavier or lighter.2-6
- Hot flashes. A hot flash is the sudden feeling of heat or warmth in your body, with or without sweating, reddened skin, or a rapid heartbeat. Hot flashes usually last about 1-5 minutes.2-7
- Night sweats. These are hot flashes that occur at night and usually interrupt your nighttime sleep.2-4,6,7
- Vaginal atrophy. Thinning of the vaginal tissues can cause vaginal dryness, soreness, or burning, and discomfort during sex.2-4,6
- Changes in mood and cognitive function. Some women report mood swings, feeling irritable, anxious, or distracted, and short-term memory problems.3,4 Women in perimenopause are also more likely to report feelings of depression.2,3 It's unclear whether these symptoms stem from changes in hormone levels or whether they are a consequence of other factors. For example, night sweats might cause loss of sleep, which leaves you feeling irritable and foggy, and can increase your risk for depression. Other stressful experiences common to midlife – caring for aging parents, being an empty nester, or health and body image issues – can also play a role.7
Why mindset matters
Your thoughts have power. In a number of studies, researchers found that women who viewed menopause in more negative terms reported more frequent and severe physical symptoms; whereas women who viewed menopause in a more positive light reported fewer and less severe symptoms.1,2,7
Of all the factors that influence menopause, you have the most control over your personal outlook. Fortunately, positivity and resilience – the ability to adapt to life's changes – are acquired skills that anyone can develop.7,8
Cultivate a more positive mindset during menopause
To foster positivity about menopause and resilience, try the following:
- Explore mind-body therapies. Focusing on the connection between your physical and mental health helps promote a sense of calmness and might reduce menopausal symptoms. A few examples of mind-body therapies include:
- Mindfulness. The intentional act of paying attention to the present moment, without judgment, helps reduce stress by improving your ability to accept change and keep things in perspective. 2,9-12 In a recent study of menopausal women, those who had higher mindfulness scores reported fewer menopausal symptoms.11 In another study, postmenopausal women who completed an eight-week mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) course reported a reduction in symptoms and improved quality of life.2
- Yoga. Practicing yoga helps relax your body and calm your mind while enhancing your flexibility and strength. Some studies show that yoga improves menopausal symptoms and quality of sleep.12,13
- Tai chi. This gentle form of movement and deep breathing promotes posture and mental concentration. In addition, a study revealed that tai chi was helpful in treating symptoms in postmenopausal women.12,14,15
- Guided imagery and meditation. Guided imagery involves visualizing mental images while using your senses to help you relax.12,16 This type of meditation can help you gain a sense of calm and balance. Meditation of any type might help you manage symptoms that accompany menopause, such as sleep problems or changes in mood.15
- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Practicing CBT with a licensed mental health professional can help you challenge and reframe negative thought patterns.2,5,9,11 CBT is a widely used type of individual or group counseling and is recommended by The Menopause Society as helpful in reducing the stress associated with hot flashes.10,16 They also recommend clinical hypnosis as a research-backed tactic to reduce hot flashes, and improve quality of life, sleep, and mood.16
- Focus on the positives. Finding gratitude in any situation takes practice. Start by identifying how menopause positively affects you.10 For example, many women find freedom in the cessation of their menstrual periods. To acquire a more hopeful outlook, keep a daily gratitude journal in which you write down the things you are grateful for.5,8
- Work toward a goal. Menopause symptoms can be unpredictable. It might feel as if your life and body are out of control. Taking action toward a personal goal can be very empowering.8 Whether you choose to cultivate a hobby, pursue an interest, volunteer with a local organization, or join a social or civic group, even small accomplishments can have a big impact on your health and wellbeing.
- Connect with others. Having close relationships to rely on can help you get through tough times.8 Commit to being present with your partner and loved ones. And remember, you are not alone in this transition. Talk to other women and your family members about your experience. Sharing your truth and discussing menopause with others can help lift its social taboo.
- Practice self-care.5,8,12,13 Everyone is different, and self-care can take many forms. Take time to accept your body, your feelings, and your needs. Then give yourself permission to do something for yourself. Say no to a commitment? Exercise? Take a nap? Relax in a warm bath? Eat a healthy snack? Schedule time with a friend? They are all on the table.
Your next chapter
Remember, you don't have to let society dictate what menopause means for you. Instead, use these transitional months or years as an opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth. By working now to reshape your views around menopause and aging, you also reshape the possibilities for this next chapter of your life.
A word from Thorne
Feeling better during menopause and perimenopause can also go a long way in helping to achieve a positive mindset. Consider Thorne’s Meta-balance – a botanical formula to support you during this life transition. If you’re wondering how your hormone levels stack up against other women in your age group, try Thorne’s Menopause Test. This easy, at-home saliva test measures key hormones associated with menopause and perimenopause, including the sex hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, as well as the adrenal stress hormones cortisol and DHEA.
- Tariq, B., Phillips, S., Biswakarma, R. et al. Women’s knowledge and attitudes to the menopause: a comparison of women over 40 who were in the perimenopause, post menopause and those not in the peri or post menopause. BMC Women's Health 2023; 460.
- Şener N, Timur Taşhan S. The effects of mindfulness stress reduction program on postmenopausal women's menopausal complaints and their life quality. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2021;45:101478.
- Casper RF. Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of menopause. UpToDate. [Accessed Sept. 20, 2024]
- Menopause: symptoms & causes. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. [Accessed Sept. 20, 2024]
- Menopause: diagnosis & treatment. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. [Accessed Sept. 20, 2024]
- Richard-Davis G, Singer A, King DD, Mattle L. Understanding attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors surrounding menopause transition: results from three surveys. Patient Relat Outcome Meas. 2022;13:273-286.
- Süss H, Ehlert U. Psychological resilience during the perimenopause. Maturitas. 2020;131:48-56.
- Resilience: build skills to endure hardship. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. [Accessed Sept. 20, 2024]
- Samami E, Shahhosseini Z, Elyasi F. The effects of psychological interventions on menopausal hot flashes: A systematic review. Int J Reprod Biomed. 2022;20(4):255-272.
- Hunter MS, Chilcot J. Is cognitive behaviour therapy an effective option for women who have troublesome menopausal symptoms? Br J Health Psychol. 2021;26(3):697-708.
- John JB, Chellaiyan DVG, Gupta S, Nithyanandham R. How effective the mindfulness-based cognitive behavioral therapy on quality of life in women with menopause. J Midlife Health. 2022;13(2):169-174.
- Vanden Noven ML, Larson M, Lee E, et al. Perceptions, benefits, and use of complementary and integrative therapies to treat menopausal symptoms: a pilot study. Womens Health Rep (New Rochelle). 2023;4(1):136-147.
- Susanti HD, Sonko I, Chang PC, et al. Effects of yoga on menopausal symptoms and sleep quality across menopause statuses: A randomized controlled trial. Nurs Health Sci. 2022;24(2):368-379.
- Jain AR, Sundarajan DP. Effectiveness of tai chi exercise program on sleep, quality of life, and physical performance in postmenopausal working women. J Midlife Health. 2022;13(2):127-132.
- Meditation: A simple, fast way to reduce stress. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. [Accessed Sept. 26, 2024]
- Clinical hypnosis vs. cognitive behavioral therapy: what’s better for managing hot flashes? The Menopause Society. [Accessed Sept. 24, 2024]