It is increasingly clear that we live in a toxic world, and exposure to the toxins from food, air, water, and other sources are recognized contributors to many health problems.

Thousands of environmental pollutants, pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, food additives, preservatives, over-the-counter medications, and prescription medicines burden the body daily.

Because these compounds compete with the essential vitamins and minerals needed for the optimal functioning of key organs like the liver and gut – toxic burden and poor nutrition tend to go hand in hand. 

Optimal detoxification is necessary to maintain a healthy metabolism and support the body’s balance of hormones, neurotransmitters, and other vital processes. 

Even if you are eating a healthy diet and strive for clean living, in a world of hundreds of thousands of toxins it is possible to become overloaded and overburdened.

When this happens, the healthiest of us can see a decline in our everyday health and well-being. Unsure if you would benefit from a detox? This may help you decide.

MediClear® to the Rescue

Enter Thorne’s 10-Day Detox Protocol. This streamlined version of our more intensive 21-day MediClear Detox & Allergy Elimination Program combines nutritional supplementation with dietary suggestions designed to decrease exposure to toxins, allergens, and other irritants.

Diet and lifestyle recommendations, in combination with nutrient supplementation, supply you with protein, vitamins, minerals, and specialized botanicals to support your body’s natural processes of detoxification and elimination.

This abbreviated detox program is designed to supply the nutrition your body needs to naturally process toxins and enable you to hit the refresh button on your health.  

Program elements – diet and supplements

1. Dietary food plan overview

Since our diet is a common source of problems, eating an extra clean, low-allergen diet during the course of your detox is recommended. The 10-day program’s diet eliminates the most common allergenic foods, as well as refined sugar, preservatives, pesticides, and other common food sources of toxins.

It also gives your body a break from alcohol and caffeine. The nutrient-rich diet plan is focused on providing key nutrients, antioxidants, sulfur-containing compounds, fiber, essential fats, and lean protein, all of which support optimized detoxification. In fact, even though you eliminate some foods with this program, the list of foods to include is longer than the list to avoid.

2. Dietary supplements

The MediClear suite of supplement powders is the cornerstone of this program. MediClear is a rice- and pea-protein-based supplement with a complete multi-vitamin/mineral profile and additional GI and liver support nutrients.*

It combines essential nutrient cofactors and liver-supportive botanicals (such as green tea and milk thistle) with low-allergenicity protein and minerals that support the liver's detoxification processes.*

Nutrients are provided in their most absorbable, best-utilized forms, including pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (active vitamin B6), L-5-MTHF (active folate), methylcobalamin (active vitamin B12), and well-absorbed glycinate chelates from Albion Laboratories.

  • MediClear
  • FiberMend®
    • FiberMend is a prebiotic fiber that combines partially hydrolyzed (enzymatically pre-digested) guar gum (Sunfiber®) with rice bran, larch arabinogalactan, apple pectin, and green tea phytosome, to stimulate growth of beneficial bacteria and promote regularity for gentle bowel cleansing.* Like most prebiotics, FiberMend comes with the added benefit of supporting balanced blood sugar and appetite.*
    • Fiber doesn’t just help the bowels move, it also binds unwanted compounds and carries them out of the body in the stool.* This fiber mixes easily in water or, because of its lack of flavoring or sweetening, mixes well in a MediClear smoothie to ensure optimal elimination of the toxins in your body.* 
  • FloraSport 20B®

Is there a best time to detox?

Although many individuals detox in the spring, the best time is when you feel the need. Thorne’s 10-Day Detox Protocol is of great benefit to those facing challenges with gastrointestinal health, occasional gas and bloating, sluggishness, mental fog, slowed metabolism, dull complexion, environmental sensitivities, vague physical discomforts, and poor sleep.*

Many individuals experience a lessening of their symptoms while on the MediClear program, and most feel a greater sense of energy and well-being, with better sleep.* So the best time to start is when you are ready! 

If you are feeling ready now, here is where to start: 10-Day Detox Protocol.

Got another health goal in mind? Explore Thorne’s entire library of Wellness Guides, designed by doctors, dietitians, and wellness experts.


  1. Genuis S. Elimination of persistent toxicants from the human body. Hum Exp Toxicol 2011;30(1):3-18.
  2. Hodges R, Minich D. Modulation of metabolic detoxification pathways using foods and food-derived components: a scientific review with clinical application. J Nutr Metab 2015;2015:760689. doi: 10.1155/2015/760689