Coronavirus (COVID -19): How is Thorne Responding?

We have received a growing number of inquiries regarding how Thorne is responding to the growing threat of the Coronavirus (COVID -19). Shortly after the COVID-19 outbreak occurred in China, the Company engaged its Crisis Management Committee and began implementing the provisions of an established Pandemic Response Plan that is a part of our overall Business Continuity Plan.
In alignment with the threat assessment protocols of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, we have formally elevated the Company’s Threat Assessment, as outlined in Thorne’s Business Continuity Plan, to Code Orange – Crisis Likely – which requires us to finalize preparedness activities, engage resources in advance of direct response measures, increase surveillance (including internal monitoring), and deploy broad-based prevention measures.
We have authorized Company management to engage in certain prevention and response measures, which include addressing active and ongoing disease surveillance supply chain risks, travel and facility access restrictions, and quarantine measures. More specifically:
- We have engaged in active and ongoing monitoring, specifically disease progression, country and WHO responses, supplier and supply chain risks, disease morbidity and mortality, clinical responses, and prevention and containment measures.
- We have invested early and significantly to secure raw materials, masks, gloves, and other production-related materials and components to ensure product supply for the better part of the remainder of 2020.
- We have implemented an international business travel ban and are now restricting anyone having traveled outside the continental United States from entry into any Company facility for 20 days (the accepted COVID-19 incubation period).
- We have restricted travel to conferences and will implement more remote means of meeting when possible.
- We have implemented measures as to who can enter our facilities and are restricting access accordingly.
- We have formulated a company care package of Thorne products (focused on boosting immunity and addressing stress) for our employees and created employee education materials on COVID-19 and means to best prepare for it.
- We have implemented on-site prevention measures.
- We have initiated additional production of those supplements likely to be in greater demand due to the virus.
- We are cooperating and coordinating efforts with our trade associations and state and local emergency responders.
The senior management of Thorne Research takes the COVID-19 threat seriously, and we are taking all reasonable measures to prepare for and mitigate the risk of COVID-19 to our staff, our products, and our business. As we have done during hurricanes and other periods of business risk, we will be as transparent as possible with you regarding our plans and activities to continue to provide you with the highest quality, purest nutritional supplements. Thank you for your continued support of Thorne. Be safe and be well.
-Paul Jacobson, Chief Executive Officer and Tom McKenna, Chief Operating Officer