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Like many nutritional regimes, the ketogenic diet is a journey, not a destination. Because every person’s physiology is unique, every person will experience the ketogenic journey slightly different...
May 10, 2022 • Laura Kunces, PhD, RD, CSSD
These diets are designed for specific purposes, with the aim of achieving your desired goal whether you know it or not, but do they have an effect on your gut microbiome? What is the Ketogenic Diet...
November 6, 2023 • Thorne
According to surveys, 3 of 10 Americans regularly make New Year’s resolutions. The top four resolutions typically include exercising more, eating more healthfully, losing weight, and saving money. ...
January 12, 2021 • Kathi Head, ND
The Mediterranean Diet took first place in U.S. News & World Report’s 2024 Best Overall Diet category – for the seventh year in a row! It also ran away with the top honors for the Best Diet for Dia...
February 5, 2024 • Kathi Head, ND
Welcome to the July 2021 edition of Research Extracts. “The Extracts” is designed to keep busy practitioners and savvy consumers up to date on the latest research on diet, nutrients, botanicals, th...
July 26, 2021 • Kathi Head, ND
Keto, Paleo, Mediterranean, pescatarian, flexitarian, beer and bread (okay, I made up that last one) – but you get the idea. It seems like every so often a new fad diet pops up, and we all have one...
January 3, 2020 • Jacob Terranova
The Mediterranean Diet gets its name from how individuals eat in the region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Although there is no single definition for this diet, the diet focuses on daily consum...
March 4, 2021 • Stephen Phipps, ND, PhD
Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) is a constellation of risk factors associated with heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other adverse health conditions. An individual with three (or more) of the followin...
January 3, 2022 • Jennifer Greer, ND, MEd
Welcome to the March 2020 edition of Research Extracts. “The Extracts” is designed to keep busy practitioners and savvy consumers up-to-date on the latest research on diet, nutrients, botanicals, t...
March 19, 2020 • Kathi Head, ND