“People sometimes ask, ‘How do I know a supplement works?’ At Thorne, we go above and beyond to provide the answers.”
Description: As the narrator talks, simple black and gold line animations illustrate his words. Occasionally, text will appear on screen, only serving to emphasize the narrator’s words, while not adding new information, unless otherwise noted. The video begins with capsules falling from the top of the screen. One of the capsules shifts into a box labeled “answers.”
“From helping independent researchers answer this question, to taking the lead ourselves, we now have an active clinical trials department at Thorne, and we have developed close working relationships with trusted research groups like the Mayo Clinic, the Hypertension Institute, and numerous others.”
Description: The “answers” box shifts into an icon of a chart with a checklist, which then pulls back to reveal that its hanging on the wall in a full laboratory. We transition to a map of the United States where a pin labeling the two mentioned research institutions are then quickly joined by many more pins, all over the country. In the final moments, we see a capsule like one of the ones falling in the beginning of the video slowly rotate on the screen before the video ends on the Thorne logo, over black.
“At Thorne, we do more so you’ll know more.”