The video begins with a shot of Marit Raaijmakers, a professional cyclist in a sit-down interview. Graphics along the bottom of the screen feature a tag for rigorous testing, signifying this video is about Thorne’s quality standards, the Thorne Logo, and a call to Visit As Marit speaks, single word captions emphasize her words in the middle of the screen.
Marit Raaijmakers
I would never take a supplement that has no certificate on it.
We cut to Alice Wood as she stands in front of a car, branded in the colors of her cycling team, Human Powered Health. Thorne supplements are on the hood of the car. We cut to a shot of Alice taking a drink of Thorne’s Amino Complex from a Thorne branded shaker bottle.
Alice Wood
We can't just take anything, we have to be careful what's in the products.
We see a shot of a microscope zooming in on a slide, emphasizing Thorne’s commitment to science, before cutting to a shot of Lily Williams in an interview.
Lily Williams
Thorne does batch testing, so it's NSF certified
Lily Williams opens a bottle of Thorne B-Complex #6 before we cut back to Marit in her interview setting. As she finishes speaking we see the Thorne Logo accompanied by text for
Marit Raaijmakers
It takes a lot of stress away to know that your supplements are NSF certified.