Description: As the narrator talks, words appear on the left and right of the screen emphasizing his words, but not adding new information. As the video progresses, simple line animations appear on opposite sides of the screen from the text, further illustrating the message.
Narrator: This is the story of omega-3 fatty acids, specifically EPA and DHA, two omega-3 fatty acids that support the body’s cardiovascular system, maintain muscle and joint health, and promote healthy brain function.*
Description: Abstract EPA and DHA icons circle each other, and then cut to a rotating anatomical heart icon illuminated by rays. The rays continue to illuminate the focus as the heart shifts to a flexing bicep animation, and finally a brain icon appears.
Narrator: Your body can’t make omega 3 fatty acids on its own. Tha’s why you need to get them from foods like cold water fish and from supplementation.
Description: The two orbiting EPA and DHA icons appear again, and morph into a place setting with a fork, plate and spoon. This pans downward to reveal an animation of a fish jumping out of a river with a splash, only to pan downward again as capsules begin to fall from the top of the screen.
Narrator: Fortunately, you’ve got Thorne’s Super EPA Pro, a high quality supplement, designed from the purest ingredients to provide your body with the EPA and DHA it needs.*
Description: Capsules animate on over a background of abstract shapes. Ingredient icons appear and then shift to two orbiting EPA and DHA icons in a matching cut.
Narrator: Choose Thorne’s Super EPA Pro as your omega-3 supplement.
Description: A photographic rendering of the bottle appears as a disclaimer in the bottom left corner of the screen reads: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The video then cuts to the Thorne logo on black.