The video begins with the Mayo Clinic logo over a blue background, signifying that the video was made by the Mayo Clinic, a Thorne partner. As the video continues, still images paired with text appear on screen delivering advice about how gratitude can impact your health. To start with we see an image of a woman looking off into a sunrise paired with text that reads: “A week’s worth of gratitude exercises.”
We cut to the words: “boost your mood and improve your health with a daily gratitude habit” over white, followed by the first suggestion. Over an image of a man sitting on a bed and stretching we see the words: “Monday: Make it your first thought. Before you get out of bed, think of 5 people you’re grateful for. Think of each one for 20 seconds.”
Next we see a woman smiling in a warmly lit room. The on-image text reads: “Tuesday: Turn negatives into positives. When you’re frustrated, take a moment to think about something that’s gone right today.”
After that we see an image of a person holding a pen in one hand, poised to write on a small notebook. A cup of coffee is in their other hand. The accompanying tip reads: “Wednesday: write it down. Make a list of three things you’re grateful for. Your morning cup of coffee may be a start!”
Then we see a top-down shot of a man laying on a couch texting on a cellphone. The text reads: “Thursday: Thank someone. Show your gratitude for someone in your life with a phone call, text or hand-written card.”
Following that, we see an silhouette of a man against the night sky as he looks up at the stars. The text advises: “Friday: Find gratitude in the world around you. Stand outside and give thanks for what’s around you, from the grass to the sky. Even the rain.”
Next we see a man lying in bed, his eyes about to close. The words on screen read: “Saturday: send a silent wish. Before you fall asleep, send silent gratitude to 5 people in your life.”
For the final bit of advice for the week, we see a close up of a hands strumming a guitar, paired with the words: “Sunday: Savor positive experiences. When you experience something you’re grateful for, stop and savor it. Allow yourself to feel it.”
The video ends with a white slide with black text stating that the source of the guidance comes from the experts at Mayo Clinic, followed by the Mayo Clinic logo over blue. Small legal text at the bottom reads “Copyright 2024 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. All rights reserved.”