Description: The video begins with a title screen. Black text appears on a white screen, with a teal Thorne aura in the right corner. The words read: Welcome. Your virtual workout with Thorne and Marlon Moraes will begin shortly.
The Thorne logo, along with Thorne’s tagline and Thorne’s social handle, @ThorneHealth appear at the bottom of the screen.
One the presentation starts, Joel Totoro appears on screen with a short blurb describing the presenter, which reads: Joel Totoro, Director of Sports Sciences, Thorne.
Joel Totoro, Thorne Director of Sports Science:
All right. Welcome everybody, I'd like to thank you and welcome you to this Thorne and Edelman virtual workout. We have with UFC fighter Marlon Moraes, and we're just really excited to have everyone in the room, we've got so much for you today. Knowing some people have different familiarities with Thorne, to just start this off with a little bit of background around Thorne, who we are, where we're going, and then we will roll right into introduction to Marlon and a great little virtual workout to get you get your blood pumping today. So, we're excited to have you.
So Thorne has been around for over 30 years in the medical space. That's our legacy and what drives us to this day, but for the first 25 or so of those, you could only access Thorne through a healthcare provider, because when we founded the company, we decided we don't think anyone should blindly take supplements, we think there should be some direction and some oversight. So we traditionally had that go through a healthcare provider. I'm director of sport science at Thorne, so my background is trauma ICU, but then I moved into the health and human performance space about 15 years ago and seven years ago, enough of us on the sport science side, realized we needed that same level of quality for our athletes.
So Thorne took the leader in the industry and decided to take a bunch of other products and do some extra testing. Test them against banned substances so that they were available for athletes that are drug tested and were able to verify that not only were the products safe and effective, but they had some research behind them. And that's the legacy that goes back to that healthcare provider side of the business.
But really what we think about as Thorne, so we're a health tech company is what we refer to ourself as, and what that means is, while we do have the products and we have such a legacy in there, as our original intent was that nobody should take products blindly, we're trying to bring the healthcare to you and bring it into the home and allow the individual to make those decisions that traditionally they may not have had as much control over. So while we exist in the supplement world and the wellness world, where we're going as a company is really strongly based in research. So we're partnered with the Mayo clinic. We were the only supplement company they will do research with, and they're one of our many research partners.
So not only do we make the products, we like to go out and prove that they work, which is far beyond what most supplement companies do, so. But we don't want to just stop there. We're always pushing the envelope on what science is telling us, how we can apply machine learning, artificial intelligent to an expanding number of biomarkers in the blood, in the microbiome, in your gut, and really allow that to get to that what we call a one size fits one recommendation or plan for yourself. And you're the architect of that. It's not just, "Hey, you should take this, and this is why." We really allow you to be in control and own your health data. We've seen over the years, some of these testing companies that are out there, exist to get your data, and then that is actually the product that they're selling to elsewhere.
At Thorne, you own your data, that is your primary default mode, is that it is yours and yours alone, and you can then share it with whoever you want, as far as healthcare practitioners and whatnot. And that's an overview of Thorne and where we're going, and we're a publicly traded company as of this month, so it's another exciting step in our journey as a company. But so a little bit about why we partner with the UFC and why the UFC partnered us, I think tells a great story of the Thorne overall.
So about three of four years ago, the UFC realized it's a pretty intensive sport as far as demands on the body and the fighters. So they built what I would consider best in class, world class, team of experts around the field of human health and performance and not just on the "how do we make our athletes perform at their best", but really, truly "what is their wellness? How is their demands of their sport? How would we minimize the damage and the overall impact and how do we impact lives both during, but really post career."
So, as we were looking is, if we are pretty stringent about who we partner with and the UFC Performance Institute obviously has to be as stringent too. As we talked about earlier, they are drug tested athletes. They go through the same banned substance testing that Olympic athletes do, professional athletes across the major four sports do, so it's pretty intensive and they get tested probably more frequently than any athlete in competition because it... they are competing and training year round. So there's a lot there and as they built that team out, they were looking for solutions to not only support and just give the products that are what we would call clean and permissible without any band substances, but really somebody who can partner and drive some of the science and build out the protocols as they examine the sport of MMA and combat fighting in general, and the impacts of weight cycling and impact and whatnot. They wanted a partner that not only provides a solution, but is willing to walk that journey with them as far as driving the science of sports.
So, looking at potential ways to research again, which is something we do. We have any number of studies going on from concept to completion. We just published a really great one looking at NFL hopefuls going through the combine and noticing, despite all the support systems they had around them, identifying some pretty key nutrients that they were lacking in pretty staggering numbers. So just showing the fact that just because you may be fit doesn't mean you're necessarily optimized, and you're not necessarily in the best place to handle the training and the demands of sports.
So we'd like to stop and think that while yes, we're working at the highest level, I would say I worked 20 years in human performance and 90% of that is on the human side. So while we can do some tweaks at the very final ends to get a little bit more performance out of there, a lot of what we do is handling those foundational human needs. And I was... I would say, one of my catch phrases is "performance is personal", so we are doing as much... what we're doing for the athlete really applies to 90% of us, anyone who's doing anything active, anyone who's asking a little bit more out of their body, whether that is running your first 5k or being in meetings and nonstop stimulus all day, those are all things that have a biological cost, and that's what we're looking for at Thorne, is to identify those biological costs and where we can support and promote not just performance, but all the way through our history and our legacy on the healthcare and clinical side.
So really just run the gamut of how can we help you identify where your areas of upgrades are, and then provide a solution and the education for you to make those decisions. So that's Thorne in a nutshell there. So we're pretty excited about where we are and where we're going, and some of the things we have on the innovation side are pretty astronomical. We are one of the few companies that make our own supplements, so a lot of supplements you see come from a number of different warehousing where the label changes.
We recently, in the last couple years, have opened a phenomenal world class facility outside of Charleston, South Carolina. So we have control over our supplements and what we're able to do, and the speed at which we're able to innovate and create new products and respond to the research. So that's a really exciting time, is taking not only what driving the science is and seeing what it tells us, but then creating the products to back it up. And then on the flip side, following that back up, and now some of our products, our newer products, we're actually doing research on, to prove that they do what we intend them to do in specific populations.
So, that's where we are, where we're going and the science is starting to walk down that path. We've got somebody following down that road as well, just to see how that applies. So, that was a lot in a short amount of time. I know we've got contact information with Keeley, So if you have any follow up questions, we're happy to support that, but today's really about Marlon and we're really excited to have him, so we're going to just roll in to Marlon, let him introduce himself and let him tell his Thorne story and how we are able to support what it is he does every day, which is pretty impressive.
Description: The screen splits to show both Joel and MMA Fighter Marlon Moraes, a blurb appears on screen, one for Joel and one for Marlon, which reads: Marlon Moraes, UFC Bantamweight.
Hello, everyone. I'm here, Marlon Moraes, I'm so happy to be here with you all. And it's a pleasure to me. I'm a proud guy to be representing Thorne and using all their supplements before, during and after. And the quality of my life got so much better since I start to use Thorne.
Excellent. So Marlon, can you talk a little bit about the UFCPI and that team? So UFC Performance Institute, it's really a comprehensive team of everyone from strength [inaudible 00:10:02] dieticians, leading sports scientists. They do so much to monitor you and really help you be the best you. Can you talk a little bit about how that's impacted you along the way?
Since I start fight for the UFC and we were all missing something. And one time we all got the great notice that UFC was opening the UFCPI with all the structure and all the professionals. And that's how I started to know, and I start to use Thorne. We went there, we meet all with the dietician guys, with the professionals and they start to introduce us to Thorne and I love the product. And now they have the whole system that we get there to the fight, they give all the supplements to help us with the diet, to fight weak, to make weight. And after we weight, we recover, we get all the supplements, all the vitamins back to our body. I think this is not good for me, but it's good for every MMA fighter or all athletes around the world.
That's perfect. And then, so you talked a little bit about some of those products that they've helped you figure out. What are a couple of the ones you're working with today?
There's three ones that I always use and been helping me. And I like to use the creatine for lean mass. And I fight at 135 pounds, so the guys are fast and I got to be lighter. So I use the creatine, help me with my performance, see my stamina and training daily. And I have feeling great since I start to use, but I have the other two that are my favorites. Amino Complex is the post workout. In the past I took other supplements, but the taste of the lemon one, it's amazing. And every day, I can't wait to get a hard workout and have my supplement right after, my amino. They help me with all my amino acids, the recover between training, and since I start to use, I train, I take it, and the next day I'm fully recovered.
And as you all know, I live in Florida and the Vitamin D 5,000 help me a lot, because especially now the winter is coming and I need to make sure I'm healthy, my bones are healthy and my body, it's strong. So all those supplements, they help me a lot. And the other thing that I feel that they all help me, is my immunity. And I don't remember the last time I was sick and this is amazing. For us, a fighter get up every day, sleep well and have the 100%... my body is a 100%. So, that's how I feel. And I'm very thankful to be using and be a brand ambassador for Thorne.
Yeah, and hey, we're happy to have you. You legitimately embody everything we care about and you approach the training and wellness in such a great way, so I think that leads into what we're here today for. You mentioned fueling your body, but really the impact that exercise and training can have on health. So we're going to roll right into that. Let us let you take us through our guests and a quick little 20 minute session they can do whenever they want, no equipment. And we'll chat a little bit afterwards. So I'm excited for this.
Description: The screen eventually transitions to show Marlon as he demonstrates a series of exercises for the virtual workout.
Yeah. This is why I'm here. I'm here for UFC, inspired workout. I want to show everyone that they all can do a workout just using their body weight, and that's not anything complicated. All the movements you are going to be able to do, and I think we're going to have so much fun. All right guys, let's go, let's get prepared. One thing we all got to know it's before our workout, we got warmup and I'm going to run you guys to a fairly quick warmup, just to get our blood going, get our body moving. Let's start with circling your arms forward, let's count up to 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Description: The camera pulls back to show a full view of Marlon standing in a white-walled, blue floor gym area. Marlon demonstrates the first exercise by rotating both arms in forward circular motions. He then proceeds to go through the workout, rotating his arms in backward circles, before performing cross body stretches.
Let's circle backwards now. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. With your arms in the front. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Switch arms. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Put your arms behind your head. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Switch side. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Open up your legs, guys. Let's count 10 times. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Go on the left, hold 10 seconds. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Switch side. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. On the center guys, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Description: For the next exercise, Marlon performs a short series of invisible jump rope sets, before demonstrating how to warm up with some kick exercises.
It's getting warm now guys. Jumping 20 times. 1, 2, 3, 4, you don't need a rope, but we got to try mimic on your toes. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Guys, you keep your leg extended. Let's warm up because we're going to throw couple kicks, so let's warm your legs.
Description: For the next exercise, Marlon shows how to perform squat jumps, lowering the body into a squat position before springing back up.
Just lift 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Now, easy movements, squat, we're going to do 10 squat-jump, just to finish our warm up and start to do a couple techniques. Ready? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Shake it off, guys. Now we're going to start with couple techniques, but I just want to remind you guys that as you fighting, you always have to protect yourself. You can't fight with your hands down. So just keep your hands up, your hands going to protect you from punches from anybody.
Description: Marlon demonstrates a series of punches known as jabs and cross movements, showing how to perform the actions in varying combinations.
So we are going to start with the jab. It's easy movement. You just extend your arm. Okay, let's do 10 jabs. 1, 2, 3, 4. As you're throwing your jab, you keep your right hand up. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Now the punch with the right hand, we call cross. You just extend your right arm, keep your left hand up, 10 times. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Now guys, we're going to put it together. Seven press [inaudible 00:18:42]. Keep your both hands up, jab, cross, reset. Every time you throw the punch, the combination, you bring your hands back, you protect yourself. 10 times. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Shake it off a little bit.
Description: After demonstrating the series of punches, Marlon introduces the high knee, raising one knee in an attack pose, and incorporating it into a series of workout repetitions with the punches. Additionally, Marlon demonstrates how to perform a proper front kick with each leg, and works them into the routines as well.
We're still doing the technique. Now, keep your hands up same way. Fight stance. If you were orthodox, left leg forward. If you are south pole, right leg forward. So I'm orthodox, I'm going to keep my left leg forward. I'm going to throw one jab and knee. One jab, knee. The knee, it's a good way to defend a take down. So when somebody tried shoot, we are doing a MMA workout, we are going to throw a knee. So let's do five times. Jab, knee. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Good. Now same way, but now we are going to throw a left knee. Jab, cross, switch a stance, knee, or jab, cross, knee.
Same way. Five times. One. Jab, cross, knee. Two. Jab, cross, switch knee. Jab, cross, knee, three, jab, cross, switch knee. Four. Last one. Jab, cross, switch, good job. Now we can advance for the kick. We do the punch, we do the knee, now we're going to work the kick. We're going to throw the same punch. The jab. Now, we are going to throw a kick with your right leg. As you're kicking guys, you cannot bring your leg up straight. You have to bend and bend, bend and extend. So you throw the punch, bend, extend. Okay? Let's try five time. Jab, kick. That's one. Jab, kick, two. Jab, kick, three. Jab, kick, four. Jab, kick, five. Jab. Okay.
Description: Marlon now demonstrates how to perform a sprawl maneuver and incorporates it into the training routine. From a standing fighting position, he quickly jumps down on all fours, extending his body. He then jumps back up to his feet, in a process similar to a burpee exercise.
Now, let's kick with your left leg. Same way. Jab, cross. Now, you have your leg in the front. It's much easier if you switch and throw the kick. So let's go five times. Jab cross, switch, kick. Jab cross, switch, kick. That was two. Jab cross, switch, kick. That was three. Jab cross, switch, kick. Four. Jab cross, switch, kick. That was five. So we learn the punch, the knee, the kick, now we're going to do just a little bit, because I just want to go over the details with you guys. The sprawl. The sprawl is when someone attempts to take you down and you want to avoid that situation. So as you're doing a sprawl, the movement is the same movement of a [inaudible 00:22:46].
So I'm going to stay sideways, so you can see the way I sprawl. When you sprawl, you put your hands on the ground and you kick your leg back, and head down. So you're standing, you sprawl, hand down, head down. So let's do five times the sprawl. So we're going to do a punch combination, and then we're going to do the sprawl. And then we're going to reset and throw a right knee. Okay? Sprawl, knee. One more time. One, two, he's going to attempt to take me down, sprawl, knee. Five times the combination.
Description: In between repetitions, Marlon takes a break and takes a sip of Amino Complex from a Thorne shaker bottle before getting back into his workout.
One. 1, 2, sprawl, knee. Two. 1, 2, sprawl, knee. Three. 1, 2, sprawl, knee. 1, 2, sprawl, knee. 1, 2, sprawl, knee. That was five. Take a break, breathe a little bit, if you want to have a sip of your amino, I'm going to have a sip of mine. Let's move it on. Now, let's do two combinations leading to our final three rounds workout. So now we are going to do a jab, knee and kick. Let's go. Five each side. First one. We're going to go with jab, knee and kick, other side. One, jab, cross, kick and knee.
To make it easy for you guys, knee or kick, or kick and knee. Five each side. Let's start with the jab. One, jab, knee, kick. Two, jab, knee and kick. Three, jab, knee and kick. Four, jab, knee and kick, and five, jab, knee and kick. Move to the other side. Breathe. 1, 2, knee and kick. Two. 1, 2, knee and kick. Jab cross, knee and kick. Four, jab cross, knee, kick, last one. Jab cross, knee. Okay. One more break. Breathe guys.
Description: Marlon takes a break and talks to the camera about the next workout steps, before he demonstrates each set on screen.
And guys. Now I'm going to put you guys through three rounds workout. That's not a hard training, it's pretty easy. We're going to go through... you just need a timer. We're going to do three rounds. Two minutes in, one minute rest. The first 30 seconds of the round, we're going to do one type of workout. The second 30 seconds we're changing. And then we change again, and then the last 30, we finish with a different one. Okay? Let's start the first round.
Description: For the first round, Marlon demonstrates on camera various sets that focus on jabs, crosses, high knees and kicks, in alternating combinations.
The first round, we're going to do the first 30 seconds, we're going to throw punches. The second 30 seconds, we're going to do sprawls. And then we are going to go up with the knees, and then we are going to finish with kicks and punches combinations. Hopefully, you all get your timer. I'll give you guys 15 seconds, and then we are starting the first round in 15 seconds. All right, guys? Remember, just follow me. First 15 seconds we're going to do punches. It's your choice. You can just stay and throw your punches or you can move a little bit. Move a little bit, but we are going to stay with the straight punches. Jab and cross. The ones we learned today. Let's go. Let's start in 3, 2, 1, go. Start with the punches.
Time is going. Good job, guys. Let's go. Let's stay with the punches, let's go. Let's go. It's not easy guys, let's keep going. Changing. We change in five seconds. Keep going. Go, now we're going to do the sprawls. The ones we learned before. Sprawl, stand up, 1, 2. Sprawl, stand up, 1, 2. Sprawl, stand up, 1, 2. Sprawl, 1, 2. Sprawl, stand up, 1, 2. Sprawl, stand up, 1, 2. Sprawl, stand up, 1, 2. Sprawl, 1, 2. Let's change it now guys. Now we're going with the knees. One knee with the right, one knee with the left. One with the right, left. Right, left. Right, left. Right, left. Right... keep going. That's 40 seconds left. Keep going. Keep going. Finish now with the combinations. Punch, kick. Punch, kick. Punch, kick. Punch and kick. Keep going. 10 seconds. Time. One minute break, guys.
Description: After the first round, Marlon rests and takes a sip of Amino Complex from a Thorne Shaker bottle, before explaining the exercises in the second round of the workout.
Take a break. Replace your energy with amino. I'm trying to mix martial art with you guys. Punches, kicks, knees, take down defense. It's hard to do by yourself just using your body, the grappling part, but by yourself you can work on the defense and the counters. All right, guys? Let's move it on the second round. So make it a little harder now.
Description: For the second round, Marlon demonstrates on camera various sets that involve jabs, high knees, kicks, and sprawl exercises, performed in various combinations.
Ready? Now, 30 seconds. Punch, sprawl, knee. Punch, the sprawl, knee. Punch, sprawl, knee. Punch, sprawl and knee. Punch, the sprawl, and knee. Punch, sprawl and knee. Punch, sprawl, knee. Punch, sprawl and knee. Punch... 30 seconds on. Now we're going to move to the kicks. One. Now, just kicking with your right leg. 30 seconds kicks. Just one leg, guys. One... one leg. Then we're going to finish with the other one. Time, other leg. One minute left for the second round. 40 seconds. 30 seconds left, guys. Now punch, the sprawl, knee, kick. Punch, sprawl, knee, kick. Punch, sprawl, knee, kick. Punch, sprawl, knee, kick, and ready again, punch, sprawl, knee, kick. Punch, sprawl, knee, kick. That was it. Second round guys. Great job, we've got one round left. Get some water.
Description: Marlon stops and explains to the camera the next exercises involved in the third round of the workout.
Now, we are going to finish the last round, we're going to focus on our core, we're going to make some abs exercise with the pushups, and just make sure our last round we are pushing ourselves. All right, guys? Last one. Ready? We start in 10 seconds. We're going to start with the abs and then we're going to move it on to the pushups. All right? It's going to be easy. Every 30 seconds we will change. All right? Let's go, all way up, guys. 30 seconds. 1, 2, 3, keep going. 30 seconds. All way up. All way up, guys. All the way up. All way up. Five seconds, we're changing. Five seconds. Good.
Description: For the third round, Marlon demonstrates on camera various sets of exercises, including sit-ups, leg raises, and pushups before a final rest.
Put your hands under your body, lift your head off the ground, lift your legs, one, up. The other one off the ground. Switch. 1, 2, 3. Keep going for 30 seconds. 30 seconds. Easy. Stay strong. Let's go. We're changing, and 5, 3, 2, 1. Now both legs. 1, 2, 3, keep going. 20 seconds. Remember guys, don't touch the ground. Don't touch the ground. Off the ground. Off the ground. We're changing in 40 seconds. 39, 2, 1.
Let's go, last one guys. Let's finish this strong. Push ups, 30 seconds push up all way down, all way up. All way down, up. Let's go. Only 30 seconds. Stay there. Come on, stay there. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. [inaudible 00:35:38]. That was it guys. That's it for the workout. Make sure you take your water, take your amino complex, now. I'm going to do it. That's my favorite. And let's get stronger for the next one and for the fighters [inaudible 00:36:03]. Thank you all.
Description: The screen transitions to a woman sitting in a room with plant off to the side. She introduces herself as a blurb appears on screen that reads: Brittany Herrmann, Senior Media Supervisor, Edelman. As she speaks, the screen splits and Joel Totoro reappears as the two began a Q&A.
Thank you so much, Marlon. That was definitely a workout. Happy that I'm wearing this blazer, so I had an excuse, but I hope that you guys really enjoyed it and we're about to kick off our Q and A. So let's bring Joel back while Marlon enjoys his amino complex. All right. So the first question Joel, that we have for you is, what daily supplements would you recommend for someone who is active, but not necessarily a UFC fighter?
Yeah, sure. So what I was speaking to earlier about the human part of human performance. So what Marlon needs to recover and what his body needs, is the same as yours. Obviously there's different intensities, but the biggest thing, Marlon's mentioning drinking the amino complex during... why that's super important for anyone who's active for a decent amount of time is, when you're doing training, your body's damaging your muscles. It's on purpose. I call it intentional trauma, but your body doesn't know you're doing it on purpose, at least for a little while. So the amino acids are the part of the protein that literally flipped a switch in your muscles from breaking down to recovering. So if you've ever done something, or gone a little bit out of your comfort zone and had that kind of next day soreness, what that is, is damage that was done after you stopped working out and before you started that recovery window.
So amino acids for sure, are one you really need. And the thing is, like I said, it's the part of the protein. So we use amino acids because they get there a little bit fast, they're lower in calorie for anyone who's a weight, or weight conscious. But as far as your body knows, like a scoop of protein, an egg, a chicken breast, a serving of protein about 20 grams or so, it will give you the same amount of amino acid that's in the Amino Complex that will start that recovery process. So a lot of times it's... we use Amino Complex, just knowing a lot of people don't want necessarily a full meal, but the faster you get that, that's part of the protein in your body the best.
And I'd say the other one for sure for me, is hydration. I think a lot of us walk around a little bit more dehydrated than we think. I know we've all probably done one of the jug challenges and realized how much we don't drink throughout the day. So, one of the products we use a lot with active people and really even just heat people, I lived in Scottsdale forever, you need it just walking around, but... so it matches the part of the fluid. So, water is great, it replaces the fluid, but there's also electrolytes and minerals that you lose during sweat. So it's matched to that. So you're putting it back into your body, what you take out or... and a lot of times with our athletes, pre-loading what you're going to lose before you take it out.
So I'd say those two, I think, will take a lot of people pretty far. I'm a pretty big component of creatine, not just for elite athletes. It's what I call a multivitamin for the muscle. It just provides a little bit of extra energy, and we actually see it more impactful as we get older, as our bodies are naturally going to start losing some muscle or want to lose some muscle. It really helps there and just overall muscle health. And we're finding more and more, it's actually a fuel for the brain and it aids in cognition. So those are my big three, if you're not a supplement person to begin with, but I think we could talk a little bit about in the future where Thorne's going to allow you to get to that point where you can figure out what your supplements are.
Description: The screen now splits to three panel shots, showing Brittany, Joel, and now Marlon as they continue their conversation. Occasionally, the camera will cut to a sole shot of the speaker as the answer a question.
Yep. And that's a great entry way into our next question. But first I'd just like to remind everybody that, feel free to drop in your own questions in the chat function, so we could ask them to Joel, and we could also get Marlon back on here as well. The next question is actually for Marlon. What does your pre-fight ritual look like to help you get in the right mindset?
I like to be away from the family, because when you see your wife, your kids, you get a little softer, and I like to be there away in a hotel with my coaches, talking about a strategy, watching fights and keeping my mind just focus on what I have to do and what my opponents do better.
Great. And next questions for Joel. You mentioned, you tease that Thorne has something on the horizon. Is there something in particular that you wanted to share with everybody today about the next innovation?
Yeah, so I think we're always trying to innovate and really, like I said, follow the science, but what I like is, I mentioned getting you to that, what works for you and letting you really be the architect of your health journey. So we've taken everything from low entry, just quizzes on our website. We have a ton of them to help you decide, because it's overwhelming. And there's a lot of information out there, and we try and do the best we can to educate, but helping you choose even like, "Hey, which fish oil is the best for me?" There's different reasons to take different ones, and guiding along that process, but we're continuing to drive that forward. So we have a bunch of biomarkers that we feel science supports.
You can get some actual recommendations off of, based on a cheek swab or saliva, a finger prick or a urine sample. So all things you can do at home, so you don't have to go to the doctor, you don't have to go to the lab, and they're stable, so you can mail them out at your convenience. And they do come with some pretty good insights. And then all the way through a full on phlebotomy and blood draw and taking, not... instead of just giving you... I know I've been guilty of it. You get your results back from your doctor and you're like, "Cool, what do these numbers mean?" It's my job to know what they mean. And I'm still looking things up. So taking that and really providing some insights, so one of our most exciting products we have right now is called the Biological Age Test, so it takes biomarkers you're used to seeing, but what we really do is take those and explain what they mean to you.
So we give you an age of, chronologically where you are, "Here's what your biomarker is telling you. Here's how young or old your heart is. Here's how young or old your liver is," and so on and so forth. So you can have an idea of, "Okay, where should I start? Where's the area I should try and upgrade first?" And that's really exciting to me, and that's something that's been lacking, I think, in the ability to really drive your own healthcare path and really start asking questions of your healthcare providers around specific biomarkers in specific parts of your... knowing what's going on inside of you.
Like I said earlier, I think I said, a lot of times you can be fit and you can be... we were talking about the athlete study. You can be fit and active and doing great performance wise, that doesn't necessarily mean we're taking care of everything biologically on the inside. So, it's just allowing you some of that, some information to make those decisions. And then our final area where science is really blowing my mind right now, is the impact that your gut and the microbiomes, the good and bad bacteria in your gut, really dictates so much in our body. They talk directly to the brain, they impact what nutrients you absorb, they impact immunity. There's so many things. So we've had rolled out a test that allows you to see what that mix of bacteria is in your body with some real life recommendations, and for any of our tests, the recommendations aren't just, "take a supplement". We don't think that's where the market should be.
So it's, "Here's some behavior modification. Here's some dietary changes. Here's some stress and mental health support activities that you can help balance the body and help it be its best self." And if one of the solutions happen to be the nutrients or supplements are a way to get those nutrients, that can be a solution, but it's never just the only solution. So that's where we are right now, and we've got a ton of other things in development, but right now that's what I'm most excited about is that ability to get to that one size fits one.
Great. And the next question we have is for Marlon. Mental health is just as important as physical health. What do you do to stay healthy in your mind, after a loss or something that's not necessarily take a toll on your physical health, but your mental health?
One important thing that not just I do, but we all got to do, because everything happens for a reason, and you've got to look back and see all your accomplishments. If you are able to accomplish something, if you won a title, if you, like my case, if you beat a really good fighter or like a business guy, he been having a bad deals, not finishing good business, but in the past he built a company. He made much money, but he's just having a bad year. But doesn't matter you are bad at business. You got to believe your potential, what you can do and that's what I do, that's what I've been doing, and it's what I decide to do every day, that I look in the mirror and I see myself as a professional fighter, as a father, and that's it.
And what is the best advice that you've received from a coach or a mentor or somebody?
No excuses, I receive from my coach. And he's a very knowledgeable guy and experienced. He have a beautiful family and a great business, and he's a well accomplished professional MMA coach. And at some day in the gym, I said, "Man, hurts here, hurts here." And everyone, "Let's go near him." He say, "That's man, that's no excuse. Every time you think about excuse, you're going to give a percentage to lose something or not succeed. That's no excuses, that's you. You go in there and you don't think about excuse. You just think about what you have to do."
Great. And then in terms of your recovery process. What does that necessarily look like? I know there are some supplements that you take. Would you care to elaborate on that?
Yeah. My recover training routine, I always use the Amino Complex and all the other that I said before, the creatine that's all vitamin D 5,000, but when we go to a fight and we have a great guy, Charles [inaudible 00:47:22] that's great professionals from the UFC. And when we step in a fight week, they advise us, "Hey, you have to take this amino. You have to take that one." And Thorne supports us fight week, because we are mostly cutting weight, dropping a little our weight for weight-in. So like Joel said before about the gut system, it's very important for us when you're not eating all you have to eat, our body doesn't function and get the help from the gut one, it's been amazing for me. We are able to make weight, be healthy and recovery properly.
Great. Thank you. Marlon, another question and a great one from Jeffrey. So what advice would you give to anybody who plans on starting MMA and becoming a champion, but especially at a later age in life, twenties and thirties?
Every time somebody tell you, you cannot do something you're not able to do something, and just prove them wrong. And you got to fight adversity and never give up. If you believe you can do something, don't let anyone push you down. Every time somebody tell you, "Hey, I think you should not be doing that," and just do for the right reason. When I start in martial arts, I was at nine years old. So I was just having fun, doing what I love, and going driving. And I was going to say flying, but no flights. We were driving everywhere. I'm from Brazil, and I drove everywhere with my friends, finding competition, testing myself, and I never thought about leave of the sport. I never thought that I was going to make money doing that. I think that's the wrong reason. You should not be here to be on television, to make money. You should be here because you love the sport and you want to become a champion. And that's why I'm here, and that's what pushes me through my dreams.
Great. Thank you, Marlon. Joel, question for you. If somebody is just starting to explore integrating supplements into their routine, what would you recommend is the best way to go about figuring out what they should be taking?
Yeah, so I think there's couple ways to do that. Generally, what I start with is, "What's your biggest pain point? What's causing you... what's the worst thing about your day?" And then deciding whether it's through a test, a full on blood test with your doctor, through our at-home test, or really just, even if you go to the Thorne website and you click... we have things broken down by impact, so whether it's sports performance, whether it's sleep, I think is a big one for most of us, I really can't stress the importance of sleep enough. It's where we do a ton of our recovery physically, but really also mentally. And it's something I think it's society has allowed us to push in the back, so I do find sleep is one the biggest areas where people can make an impact, but it's really just assessing what your day looks like, and you're like, "Hey, I wish my joints hurt a little bit less. I wish I had a little bit more focus. I wish I slept a little bit better."
And to me, that's the most important thing for you. And if you can start feeling better, then it starts trickle down. You have a little bit more energy, you're more likely to do a workout, not skip it. You're more likely to do a lot of things that enrich your life besides biologically, so I think eliminating that first kind of pain point is the most important thing.
Joel, you mentioned the importance of sleep just now. Knowing that sleep is very closely tied with athletic performance, what Thorne supplements can help with sleep?
Yeah, so there's a lot. So what we do at Thorne and I think it's a smart way to do it. So none of our products are sedative. I think a lot of the things that get you "knock you out," impact how your body normally cycles through its sleep. You're supposed to go through these couple different cycles multiple times throughout the night, and that's how your body... that's where some of the magic happens of recovery. So we have products, what I like to call the bridge to sleep, so I think a lot of us have laid there in bed and either our brain won't shut off or we're just physically not there, even though we'd like to fall asleep and too many of us, me included, we slot out when we can sleep, and if we're not sleeping that entire time, we don't really give ourselves any wiggle room.
So we have a couple products that I think really hallmark that. Our newest one, and it's one of our newer technologies. We're able to take any of our powders and 3D print them into this disc that dissolves in water, which anyone who's ever traveled on the road and you have to take three or four different bottles with you. It's a godsend just for convenience alone, but it tastes great as well. So the two major things there are things we're familiar with. So theanine, it's got a little play in the media recently. It's an amino acid but it's what's the calming part of tea, and it plays a pretty good role there as far as just that calming effect.
And then the second one is camomile extract, which we've been using that tea for years, but just questions of how pure and how strong the camomile is, and then how much seeps out into the water and then gets absorbed. So those two play a major role. And then it's got a tiny bit of melatonin. So not a real large dose. It's got one milligram, and melatonin is the hormone that tells your body to go to sleep. It starts being released as the sun goes down, but then we, as current society, we start blasting our eyes with blue light from phones or screens. It then counteracts the melatonin, so just reintroducing a little bit of like, "Hey, hey, we're starting this path to sleep." So that's our most comprehensive one, I think, right now.
And then the other one for trained athletes. We've talked about amino acids and protein. We have a product called Recovery Pro, which is a mix of protein that's high in tryptophan, which we all know about from Thanksgiving turkey, but it's another amino acid that just promotes a sleep environment. So again, it doesn't knock you out, but gives your body a better chance of sleeping. And then protein, while you're sleeping, if you've been active, just gives your body, if you think about it, you physically need protein to rebuild your muscles. So, the more throughout the day that it's available in the bloodstream for the muscles, so just why not do a protein feed before bed? And then we tie it with an ingredient called Pharma GABA, which is a neurotransmitter, and it puts the brakes on thinking and overthinking and stressing. And I think a lot of us can use that before bed.
And then we round it out with magnesium, which is probably my most recommended supplement. It's up there with vitamin D as far as prevalence of deficiency. But if you think about back in the day, when people would take Epsom salt baths to relax their muscles, that's magnesium salts from the outside in. So this is magnesium on the inside out, which it's evolved at 600 different reactions in the body, with one of them being muscle relaxing. So if you've got that kind of restless leg or just you've been active all day and your muscles aren't quite in a head space to fall asleep, it can support there as well.
Great. Thank you, Joel. Over to Marlon. How easy was it to cut weight with the Thorne supplements without necessarily giving up your physical skillset that you went through to endure, compared to before?
Thorne helps me a lot because when I used to cut weight, I used to be moody, bad mood, so hungry, and I didn't know what was happening, but my body was not getting the vitamins and the right supplement that I needed. And since I start using Thorne supplements, I start to feel better. And when you have a good mood and you are happy and it's everything makes easier. So that's just a process of be enjoying this process of cut weight and it's much, much easier.
Great. And with that, that will conclude our event. Thank you, Joel, thank you Marlon for your time and definitely giving our attendees a great sweat. If anybody has any questions, feel free to reach out to myself, Keeley, or somebody from the Edelman team. Thanks everyone.
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