The video begins with a shot of Lily Williams drinking from a Thorne shaker bottle, before quickly entering into a travel montage showing rapid cuts of airline tickets, luggage, and airplanes. Graphics along the bottom of the screen feature a tag for traveler’s health, signifying what the video is about, the Thorne Logo, and a call to Visit As Lily speaks, single word captions emphasize her words in the middle of the screen.
Lily Williams
Supplementation super important for the cycling lifestyle specifically because we are traveling so much.
We see a shot of Lily Williams in an interview, before cutting to a map of the world emphasizing her extensive travel.
Lily Williams
I have over 50 race days every year and I went to every continent last year except for Antarctica
We cut into another travel montage, this one featuring hotel room key cards. We see Lily in the interview again, before cutting to a shot of healthy food like salad and green drinks in a home setting.
Lily Williams
You just don't really have an option to be 100% controlled and healthy like you would in your home environment.
Lily opens a bottle of Thorne’s B-Complex #6 and takes one of the capsules. The screen fades to black as the Thorne logo appears center screen accompanied by text promoting
Lily Williams
Having something that you can take that will give you some of those missing key nutrients is really important.