Narrator: Gut health is often oversimplified as just being about digestion. But in order to see the big picture, you first have to think small.
Description: As the narrator talks, simple black and gold line animations illustrate his words. Occasionally, text will appear on screen, only serving to emphasize the narrator’s words, while not adding new information, unless otherwise noted. The video begins with an illustration of a person’s body from the shoulders to the knees. As the camera tracks in, towards the stomach, the person shifts their hands over their belly and the animation shifts to reveal the person’s intestines. The camera continues to track in, and an array of tiny microorganisms appear.
Narrator: Did you know at this moment there are trillions of tiny microbial cells living in your intestines? While they may be small, these bacterial bunkmates aren’t freeloaders.
Description: The microbial cells shift out of the way as a large piece of partially digested food moves into the center of the screen.
Narrator: These bugs in your gut earn their keep every day by aiding in digestion, bolstering immune function, and managing mood; playing a key role in processes that impact the entire body.*
Description: The microbial cells shift in, towards the piece of food, which shrinks as the cells tear off pieces of it and carry them away. Most of the cells animate off, leaving just a core ring around the food, which shifts into a shield icon representing immune function, a rainbow icon representing mood, and then a nutrient icon which is joined by other nutrient icons, orbiting central ring of bacteria.
Narrator: It’s vital to maintain the right mix of gut bacteria, which is easier said than done considering all of the stress, junk food, environmental toxins, and antibiotic use our bodies have to endure.
Description: A large shifting, flowing, abstract stream flows around the screen, representing the masses of bacteria that need to properly proportioned. We transition away to see an abstract stress icon, a donut, a toxic warning symbol, and an antibiotic icon.
Narrator: That’s where probiotics come in. Formulated to deliver billions of helpful bacteria from multiple microbial strains through the stomach and to the large intestine, Thorne probiotics help your gut maintain the microorganisms it needs to keep you healthy.*
Description: An array of probiotic icons push down the negative icons. All but the center one disappear, as it emits a large burst of particles, representing the strains being delivered to the body. As the particles slow down, a few form a circle around the probiotic icon, and are in turn further encircled by more gut bacteria icons. In the final moments we see the body from the beginning of the video, radiating rays as their hands move over their happy gut. The video cuts to end with the Thorne logo on black.
Narrator: Reclaim your gut health and experience the power of a probiotic with Thorne.
And it’s for people who are just trying to take care of themselves, especially if recent antibiotic use has affected the balance of their gut flora.