Caffeine and Cortisol: What are the Effects?

Is the first thing you think of when you roll out of bed in the morning a big cup of joe? Are you not yourself until that first sip perks you up? It turns out that caffeine and cortisol levels may have a stronger connection than you’d like it to.
But Thorne has a great coffee substitute for those looking to reap the benefits of caffeine without the effects of over-stimulation.
Coffee has always been a great way to start the day, and millions of Americans rely on their morning coffee for a quick pick-me-up. It is estimated that 83 percent of U.S. adults drink at least one cup of coffee a day. And why not? There have been many studies that have demonstrated various coffee health benefits.
One meta-analysis of more than 100 studies on coffee health benefits found probable evidence that drinking coffee is associated with a lower risk of several specific cancers, as well as neurological, metabolic, and liver conditions.1
But, as much as many of us love our morning coffee, as it turns out, early morning might not be the best time to consume it.
What are the connections between caffeine and cortisol?
Typically, you won’t feel the full buzz of your coffee if you drink it first thing in the morning.
It involves the body’s hormones, primarily cortisol. You might be familiar with cortisol as a stress hormone, but cortisol is also the primary hormone from your adrenal gland that signals the body to be awake and responsive. Your cortisol levels in the morning are at their highest, usually around 8:30 a.m.2 then continue to fluctuate throughout the day.
Cortisol moderates the body’s daily and long-term responses to stress. Healthy cortisol levels in the morning and throughout the day better regulate energy, mood, focus, and immune response throughout the day.
Does caffeine raise cortisol?
Studies have shown that caffeine increases the level of cortisol in the body.3 But how does coffee raise cortisol?
When you consume a cup of coffee within the first hour or two of waking, you are likely not getting caffeine’s full benefits. This is because your body is already at its peak cortisol level – trying to get you going. It is also thought that early morning caffeine might interfere with your normal morning cortisol production and stress your adrenal glands if you consume too much.
After cortisol peaks at around 8:30, it begins to decline, but then it spikes again around noon. So, 9:30 to 11:00 am might be the most advantageous window for getting the most benefit from your caffeine/coffee consumption. Although cortisol levels drop off again in the afternoon, that’s probably not the best time for another coffee pickup because it could interfere with your sleep at the end of the day.
How is your cortisol circadian rhythm? Take this easy at-home cortisol test to find out.
Give your adrenal glands some extra support*
As a stimulant, coffee’s caffeine and cortisol are connected, which is why some individuals can feel more anxious and restless after a cuppa.
Caffeine also can interrupt sleep, speed up heart rate, irritate the stomach, and upset blood sugar. When you combine too much caffeine with too much stress, it can take a toll on your adrenal glands. And poorly functioning adrenal glands, in turn, can damage the immune, cardiovascular, neurological, and endocrine systems, and, eventually, your long-term health.
Supplementing with an adrenal glandular tissue extract like Thorne’s Adrenal Cortex can help play a valuable role in supporting healthy adrenal function and normal cortisol levels.*
Try a coffee substitute for focus without the buzz
It’s time to skip the coffee and cortisol buzz. A substitute for coffee can be a great way to skip the jitters while still enjoying the benefits of a slower, more controlled-release caffeine.
Thorne’s Memoractiv – a nootropic for cognitive function and mental focus* – is a great coffee substitute containing a unique form of caffeine at a lower dose, so you still get the benefits of caffeine without the over-stimulation.
Memoractiv uses a caffeine complex called PurEnergy™, which bonds caffeine and pterostilbene to form a co-crystal to provide a sustained-release, extended profile of caffeine at a lower amount. Pterostilbene has been studied for promoting cognitive function and optimal performance, while low-dose caffeine supports mood, well-being, alertness, and concentration.*
Along with other innovative botanicals that support productivity, creativity, and mental focus, all while helping the eyes filter light from blue screens,* Memoractiv could be an ideal coffee substitute and the perfect alternative to your morning coffee routine.
- Poole R, Kennedy O, Roderick P, et al. Coffee consumption and health: umbrella review of meta-analyses of multiple health outcomes [published correction appears in BMJ. 2018;360:k194]. BMJ 2017;359:j5024.
- Chan S, Debono M. Replication of cortisol circadian rhythm: new advances in hydrocortisone replacement therapy. Ther Adv Endocrinol Metab 2010;1(3):129-138.
- Lovallo W, Whitsett T, al'Absi M, et al. Caffeine stimulation of cortisol secretion across the waking hours in relation to caffeine intake levels. Psychosom Med 2005;67(5):734-739.