Building a healthier world starts with us. At Thorne, we’re passionate about the health of our customers and the health of our planet. To create a positive impact for our society, we embed principles of environmental, social, and governance strategy into our business model.

From sourcing quality ingredients, to designing and manufacturing clean formulas, our approach to personalized wellness is founded on the sustainability of our operations.

Each year, we take time to reflect on our goals, how we achieve them, and how we can do better moving into the future. In 2022, we released our first annual Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Fact Sheet, and we published an update last year

Now, we’re moving forward with our latest ESG report, for calendar year 2023, showcasing our cultural tents and continuous innovation in the nutritional supplements industry.

“Marked by significant milestones and our steadfast commitment to our core values, Thorne remains dedicated to harnessing the power of science, technology, and operational excellence to democratize a healthier life for the world,” writes Thorne CEO Colin Watts in the report. “Our innovative spirit has been the driving force behind championing not only the health and wellness of our customers, but also the environment, communities, and workforce.” 


At Thorne, we prioritize environmental responsibility via responsible operations. Through the direction of the Thorne Green Team, we are continuously adopting sustainable practices, from sourcing environmentally friendly ingredients, packaging, and materials, to educating about our conservation practices.

A key initiative is focusing on waste reduction in our daily operations. Since our transition from plastic mailers to recycled and compostable paper mailers, we’ve removed more than 300,000 single-use plastic mailers from the supply chain each year. From our shipping boxes to the padding material inside them, nearly all our shipping supplies are made from recycled materials or are themselves recyclable. Internally, we train all employees on formal Thorne policies on the environment, climate change, and greenhouse gas reduction to ensure our principles of environmental consciousness align with our practices.

For our supplements, we continue to meticulously source sustainable ingredients, like ocean-healthy kelp, and use certified organic vegan capsules and PBDE-free bottles. 


A healthy workplace demands diversity, equality, and inclusivity. Through efforts safeguarded by our Thorne United committee, we continue to gain new insights from our growing workforce.

In 2023, Thorne witnessed record growth in its workforce, creating 175 new jobs and raising the number of full-time employees to 719, a 32-percent increase from 2022. 

We’ve achieved this milestone through transparency and candid conversations with our employees. By listening to and acting on employee feedback, we’ve continued to decrease employee attrition, which fell to 3.6 percent in 2023 from 3.8 percent in 2022. 

We celebrate the diversity of our Lowcountry home in South Carolina, and engage in inclusive recruitment strategies, welcoming an increasing number of employees who self-identify as an ethnic or racial minority. To that end, we achieved our goal set in previous years to have a workforce that is at least 40 percent people of color. As of December 31, 2023, these valued employees make up 43 percent of our workforce.

To help employees at every level develop and progress their careers within a competitive labor market, our Learning and Development team has expanded its robust training methods to deliver functional certifications, promotions, and salary increase to support the upward mobility of 17 percent of employees within the company. 

An empowered workforce goes hand in hand with an empowered community. In 2023, Thorne continued strengthening its communities through multiple philanthropic initiatives. These efforts included providing paid time off for employees who volunteered, partnering with Trident United Way to support Days of Caring; participating in AmeriCorps’ “500 Bags of Joy,” a program aimed at filling kits with hygiene supplies to give to homeless members in our South Carolina community; and continuing participation in the Feeding America fundraiser to collect hundreds of pounds of food for a nationwide network of food banks. Thorne also carries out food drives throughout the year to support a “blessing box” in Summerville, South Carolina, as well as a holiday Angel Tree toy drive for the Salvation Army.


In a culture of ethical, effective, and consistent corporate governance, our Board of Directors has implemented measures that ensure consistent and responsible operations to earn the trust of our consumers. The seven-member Board includes three independent directors and sets the path forward for the company to continue operating with fair, ethical, and responsible standards.

Key priorities from our governance structure are comprehensive communication and transparent disclosures, integration of ESG initiatives into the company’s entire structure, and engaging with industry stakeholders on all the above matters. While remaining agile, we leverage the latest cybertechnologies to ensure information security safeguards are maintained. 

“Understanding that human health is inextricably linked to the well-being of our planet and communities, we have continued our efforts to act as stewards of environmental and social wellness” writes Watts. “Our Board of Directors, alongside dedicated ESG Work Groups such as the Thorne Green Team and Thorne United committee, have been instrumental in weaving ESG principles into the fabric of our operations and strategic vision.”

You can read Thorne's 2023 ESG Report on our Sustainability page.