This Registered Dietitian's Favorite Supplements for Fertility Support

Let’s talk about the best diet and supplements for supporting fertility!
I'm Sarah Grace Meckelberg, a hormone-focused registered dietitian, author, and founder of Fresh Fit n Healthy.
Whether you are trying to conceive (TTC) or just wanting to optimize your hormone levels, eating an anti-inflammatory diet is always beneficial, which is the nutrition protocol I teach in my Hormone Healing Academy program.
An anti-inflammatory, blood-sugar balancing diet is a balanced food protocol that includes various whole foods, seed cycling, and healthy fats, as well as making sure you get enough food overall. We talk about the importance of enjoying carbohydrates with a protein or healthy fat (or both!) to balance blood sugar levels.
If you follow me on Instagram, then you know I talk a lot about my #FreshFitNFIVE formula for balanced meals: a lean protein, healthy fat, smart carbs, fiber/veggies, and “boosts” – basically healthy ways to add flavor or extra nutrition (think spices, herbs, vinegars, and more).
When it comes to specific nutrients to be sure you consume in your diet, here’s a good list to keep on hand:
- Folate – Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and arugula are great sources
- Omega-3s – Wild salmon, nuts and seeds, omega-3 rich eggs
- Glycine – Red meats, turkey, salmon, chicken, and collagen powders
- Healthy fats – Healthy fat consumption, specifically polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, is associated with increased progesterone and decreased anovulation. Progesterone is one of our sex hormones that is vital for promoting pregnancy!
- Choline – Choline is just as important as folate during preconception and pregnancy; its sources are meat, fish, poultry, dairy, and eggs
- Vitamin A – Spinach, dairy products, liver, carrots, cantaloupe, and leafy greens
- Magnesium – Pumpkin seeds, almonds, Brazil nuts, spinach, cashews, peanuts, black beans, salmon, tofu, bananas, and leafy greens
- Vitamin K2 – Only found in animal-sourced foods and certain fermented dishes; also in dairy products, organ meats, beef, and egg yolks
- Iron – Shellfish, red meat, and organ meats; vegetarian sources of iron aren’t absorbed as well
- Zinc – Oysters, red meat, poultry, dairy products, lentils, and seeds like pumpkin, hemp, and cashews
I recommend majorly decreasing or even avoiding altogether the following: ultra-processed foods; trans fats (usually found in deep-fried foods); highly processed oils (corn, soy, canola); chemical additives and preservatives; artificial colors, sweeteners, and flavors; processed and low-quality meats; high-fructose corn syrup; processed sugar; and lowering intake of refined grains, such as white flour.
Which supplements support fertility?
Why take a nutritional supplement when trying to support fertility? I’m glad you asked! Nutritional supplements can be a steppingstone to ensure your body receives the vitamins and minerals that are essential for women’s health, especially fertility.
Here are some supplements I recommend to support fertility for those who are TTC:
First, I love Thorne’s Fertility Bundle, because it makes it easy for you to get exactly what you need! The fertility bundle is a trio of supplements that promote reproductive health in women: Basic Prenatal, Prenatal DHA, and 5-MTHF 1 mg (methylfolate), which all promote fertility.*
I also recommend taking a quality probiotic, and Thorne’s Women’s Daily Probiotic is a trustworthy one!
If you aren’t eating 2-3 servings of fatty fish a week (like wild-caught salmon), an omega-3 supplement can be super helpful for not only you, but your future developing baby.
Some other targeted supplements to consider that can support your fertility and TTC season:
- Myo-Inositol – Sometimes called "vitamin B8,” inositol is not actually a vitamin! It’s a type of sugar made naturally in the body. Inositol has been clinically studied to support ovulatory function and egg quality.* Thorne’s Ovarian Care delivers the naturally occurring ratio of 40:1 myo-inositol to D-chiro-inositol to promote healthy blood sugar levels.*
- Coenzyme Q10 – CoQ10 is involved in energy production in the mitochondria of all cells. Studies have shown CoQ10 declines with age, and therefore egg quality can also decline. CoQ10 is also beneficial for supporting ovulation.*
- NAC – N-Acetylcysteine is a supplemental form of cysteine, an amino acid in our body that helps produce the powerful antioxidant, glutathione. Because of NAC’s ability to support antioxidants in the body, it has the potential to help with fertility in both women and men, because antioxidants help protect both egg and sperm.*
- Vitex – Also known as chaste tree extract, this botanical helps reduce prolactin secretion while supporting healthy progesterone levels.* Thorne’s Meta-Balance provides 200 mg of chaste tree extract and other botanicals to deliver natural support for hormone balance.*
- Zinc – Zinc is necessary for follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which supports healthy ovulation and triggers the ovaries to produce progesterone.*
- Vitamin C – Antioxidant support from vitamin C can increase and intensify the effects of progesterone.* Vitamin C has also been shown to support the luteal phase for improved fertility.*
I should also mention that if you’ve been TTC for 6-plus months with no success, or have had recurrent losses, then this is definitely the time to get a test done to see what could be going on under the surface. Testing your hormone levels, plus your micro- and macronutrient levels, can be helpful.
I hope this supports you in your fertility season! This can be an exciting but nevertheless nervous time, too. Enjoy the ride as much as possible and know your body is built for this!
Thorne is thrilled to partner with Sarah and excited to bring you more health and wellness content. Check out Sarah’s personal collection, follow her on Instagram @sarahgracemeck, and learn more about her mission on her website.