Small steps, big strides.

That was the whole idea behind Thorne’s Build to Last, our first global brand campaign. But if you ask anyone on our team, they’ll tell you it’s more than just a marketing slogan.

Because it’s true. Your small steps lay the foundation for your big strides which allow you to reach your goal. Daily routine, big gains, new personal best. It’s that simple.

But you need to stay committed. So, what exactly does a good routine look like? It depends on what you’re working toward. Get inspired by a day in the life of the Wades – NBA basketball legend Dwyane Wade and his son, rising star Zaire Wade – and take your own small steps toward a happier, healthier future.

Dwyane Wade: A veteran athlete has his routine down to a science

After 16 full seasons of games, practices, media obligations, and constant travel, routines are nothing new for three-time NBA champion and Hall of Famer Dwyane Wade, although his routines have certainly changed.

An “ageless” athlete, Dwyane’s still got it, but now in retirement, his goals have shifted from professional basketball to entrepreneurial pursuits and partnerships. To account for his new lifestyle, the NBA veteran has adjusted his routine. Here’s what an average day for Dwyane looks like:

5:00 am: Wake up

7:30 am: Work out

9:00 am: Breakfast (Including Dwyane’s Morning Smoothie)

1:00 pm: Meditation / long walk

6:00 pm: Dinner

9:00 pm: Bedtime

One advantage of an early-bird schedule? Dwyane can knock out his workout, recovery protocol, and breakfast before his family wakes up!

To help him get going, Dwyane usually begins his workout with stretching and a light jog to get his heart rate up. Then it’s back to his home gym for a variety of strength exercises, including bench and leg presses, squats, push-ups, and pull-ups.

Of course, every day is different. Some days, he works out with his wife, Gabrielle Union. Other days, his workout is a mix of strength and cardio exercises, Pilates, yoga, or cycling.

But no matter what he chooses, physical recovery is everything, so Dwyane spends time in the steam room, sauna, or cold tub. And he puts just as much emphasis on his mental health and recovery, too, allowing himself the time and space to meditate every day and take long walks to clear his head.

“When I was young, I focused on the numbers – how much am I benching? How fast are my splits?” he says. “And yes, that’s important, but so is your mental game.”

One aspect of health Dwyane still struggles with? A vegetable-rich diet. Good nutrition is essential for everyone, especially professional athletes, but Dwyane has never been one for eating his veggies. Needless to say, that’s always been a challenge for his longtime chef.

But today, Dwyane has the solution. He fills in the gaps with foundational daily nutrition support from Thorne’s Daily Greens Plus, a comprehensive greens powder packed with 28 powerhouse ingredients that support a healthy mind and body and promote healthy aging.* Give Dwyane’s morning smoothie recipe a try today.

Zaire Wade: A new fan favorite stays consistent with formulas for success

Like any athlete juggling practices, games, training, traveling, and a personal life, rising professional basketball star Zaire Wade is always on the move. (Not to mention his personal travel – a flight to see his family in California takes a full day or more.)

While every day during the season can be different for Zaire, here is what his current schedule looks like:

6:00 am: Wake up

6:30 am: Breakfast

7:00 am: Practice/ lift

10:15 am: Recovery protocol (Including Zaire’s Post-Workout Juice)

11:00 am: Lunch

1:00 pm: Practice

2:45 pm: Recovery protocol

3:30 pm: Meditation/ free time

6:00 pm: Dinner

9:00 pm: Bedtime

With two daily practices, drills can quickly become repetitive. So, Zaire looks forward to days when he and his teammates can enjoy a special workout.

One of his favorites is Pilates, but he says nothing compares to getting on the court for “freestyle Fridays,” when he and his teammates put everything they’ve covered during the week into a good old-fashioned scrimmage.

With three workouts a day five or six days a week, Zaire has a high caloric demand. Because of this, he tries to eat specific foods that help him gain weight after lifting all week. That process starts with recovery.

“If you want the right results, then make sure your body is getting the right things,” Zaire says. “From the supplements you take, to the food you eat, and the liquids you drink – every little thing matters.”

And he has the same perspective on recovery, an often-overlooked part of training. Post-workout, Zaire unwinds with recovery compression boots, a common recovery practice for professional basketball players. Because the boots improve blood flow and reduce soreness, Zaire either drinks his homemade recovery juice, featuring Thorne’s Amino Complex, or he makes a whey protein shake.

Zaire is also a fan of Thorne’s Creatine and Magnesium Bisglycinate, both of which are part of Thorne’s NSF Certified for Sport® product line.

Known as “the gold standard of supplement testing” within the supplement industry, the NSF Certified for Sport certification provides athletes of all fitness levels – from amateurs to professionals – with the peace of mind that nothing on the extensive banned substance lists will show up on a drug test.

NSF Certified for Sport products are tested for nearly 300 banned substances, in addition to the four rounds of testing that Thorne does on all its supplements. Most competitor brands only test once or twice – yet another reason why, like the Wades, Thorne is in a league of its own.

The takeaway

Even if you’re not a professional athlete like Dwyane and Zaire Wade, nutritional supplements can still be a great addition to your daily routine by supporting your workout goals and everyday health and wellness. Find the right solution for you with Thorne.

Thorne is thrilled to be partnering with Dwyane and Zaire and to bring you more health and wellness content.

Check out Dwyane’s and Zaire's personal collections and shop the Build to Last Collection. For more on the Wades, stay tuned at Thorne’s Take 5 Daily blog and follow us on Instagram @thornehealth.