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Grace Thomas is a Registered Dietitian, Sport-Specific Trainer and Speed Coach. Nutrition has always been a vital part of her life, but it wasn't until her experience as a D1 athlete that made her realize its true importance. Throughout her four years as a collegiate athlete at The Ohio State University, she began to struggle with low bone density, multiple bone injuries, diet restriction, and overexertion; also known as relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S). Involuntarily sitting out of practice and competitions was a very difficult challenge, but it did not hold her back. Utilizing the tough lessons learned from her diagnosis, she pushed herself to see the positives, which eventually set her on the path to becoming a Registered Dietitian with a focus in Sports Nutrition. Grace is a graduate of the Masters of Dietetics and Nutrition (MDN) program at The Ohio State University. She received years of hands-on experience as a Sports Nutrition Intern, where she had the pleasure of working with various OSU teams including Football, Men's Ice Hockey, Men's Basketball, Dance, Men's and Women's Swim & Dive, and Synchronized Swimming. She gained invaluable experience in the field of Performance Nutrition, including evidence-based practices in assessment, targeted nutrition interventions, injury prevention, and food service management in sport. Grace is the owner of GracesGrit Nutrition and Fitness Solutions, where she offers bespoke nutrition and sport-specific guidance to individuals of all ages and abilities. Publications: A Systematic Review of the Low Fodmap Diet as a Treatment For Gastrointestinal Distress In Endurance Athletes DOI: Areas of Research: Low FODMAP Diet, Exercise-induced Gastrointestinal Distress, and Supplementation

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