Thorne Customer Since
Thorne Affiliate
Toni Anne Washington, MD is a partner at Pinehurst Surgical Clinic studying for certification in Functional Medicine at the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM). Sarah Ellman, RN is also studying at IFM. We are co-owners of Southern Pines CrossFit. After taking over SPCF, we noticed a gap in the ability of traditional medicine to address the needs our community. Specifically, we recognized a need to offer support for anxiety, depression, PTSD, hormonal imbalances, weight loss and sports performance. Through our own personal research and utilization of Functional Medicine practitioners all over the country, we have found a more comprehensive approach to our individual needs. We want to share this with our community!
Why I choose Thorne
We have been using them ourselves for years! We chose Thorne specifically for their excellence in service, purity, quality and consistency of supplements, and innovative solutions to improve health and wellness.