Thorne Affiliate


At Harborside CrossFit, we care deeply about helping people become the best they can be through exercise and nutrition. Our owners are Certified CrossFit Trainers, have graduate degrees in Nutrition Science, and have a passion for sharing their knowledge. Along with a balanced diet, proper hydration, and regular exercise, adding certain supplements to your routine could be the difference-maker in your performance and recovery.

Why I choose Thorne

Thorne's clean products show that they value quality, science, and responsibility. Their integrative approach of providing health testing, education, and then delivering personalized wellness plans makes them an industry leader in helping people live healthier, happier lives.

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What we're reading

Creatine: Benefits for Women's Health

Creatine is one of the most widely researched amino acids to support physiological and nutritional aspects of metabolism and exercise. Creatine supports cellular energy in working muscles, includin...

September 18, 2024 • Laura Kunces, PhD, RD, CSSD

Amino Acids Will Kick-Start Your Post-Workout Recovery

Here’s a fact about exercise and conditioning that many athletes fail to consider: You work out in order to recover. It’s after a workout is finished that your body does its biggest job – adapting ...

November 25, 2022 • Joel Totoro, RD