Thorne Affiliate


A gym founded on the methodology; that Greg Glassman created, known as CrossFit. Health is the foundation of doing the activities that individuals aspire to do within their lives. We understand that moving functionally in the gym will translate over to the activities we perform; whether this be: sport, sitting down, getting up, work life, activities around the house, etc. . At CFHS, the goal is to create a place for all individuals to come and achieve the goals they have wanted for so long; while us (the coaches) and the community (the members) are right by your side.

Why I choose Thorne

Nutrition and what we put in our body is the foundation of health. This gives us the opportunity to perform the duties of our lives successfully. Thorne has shown to help others; over the years, by producing high-quality supplements to support health. We are excited to work with Thorne and give our athletes the best supplements they can find.