Thorne Affiliate


I'm a chronic pain patient living with a number of invisible illnesses. I also have the common MTHFR gene defect that makes methylated folate and B-12 essential, so I've become an advocate of finding solutions like that for others! I know what it's like to try supplements with no results, and Thorne just delivers a better experience.

Why I choose Thorne

Wanting to be healthier and relieve symptoms of invisible illnesses starts with what you put into your body. Often, our food supply is insufficient for providing everything we need, either due to deficiencies in our soil and food, or due to our own body's inability to use those nutrients. Thorne delivers high-quality supplements in forms our bodies can use, ready to be absorbed!

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What I like to read

What is Methylation and Why Is It Important?

What is methylation? Methylation is a simple biochemical process. It is the transfer of four atoms – one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms (CH3) – from one substance to another. The addition of ...

November 27, 2024 • Thorne

5-MTHF: The Best Folate Supplement to Support Methylation

Unless you’re a health-care professional, a nutritionist, or a scientist, you probably think of folate as only being a nutrient that pregnant women need. And that is certainly true: adequate folate...

June 6, 2022 • Thorne

Symptoms, Causes, and Consequences of an Overactive Thyroid

The thyroid gland produces the hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine), which regulate metabolism and have an influence on nearly every cell in the body. If the thyroid produces too much ...

February 27, 2021 • Sheena Smith, MS, MA