I would like to stop taking my medication and want to know the best way to safely do this using Thorne supplements.
On occasion, a customer taking a prescription medication or an over-the-counter medication wants to know if taking a nutritional supplement can substitute for these medications. Because nutritional supplements can’t be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent a disease, we can’t recommend that you substitute a nutritional supplement for a prescribed medication or a recommended over-the-counter medication. Therefore, we always advise that you consult with a qualified health-care practitioner – preferably the one who prescribed or recommended your medication – before you discontinue taking that medication. If you are looking for a qualified health-care professional who will discuss nutritional supplements with you, then Thorne has a wonderful resource, our Find a Professional webpage, to help you find one. You can also find a functional medicine practitioner through The Institute of Functional Medicine website or locate a licensed Naturopathic Doctor through the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.
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