I’m not sure what products to order. Can you recommend some for me?

A qualified health-care practitioner is the best resource to assess your needs and make the recommendations that take your health into account. Because we can’t appropriately evaluate you, we can’t make personal recommendations. If you are looking for a qualified health-care professional who will discuss nutritional supplements with you, then Thorne has a wonderful resource, our Find a Professional webpage, to help you find one. You can also find a functional medicine practitioner through The Institute of Functional Medicine website or locate a licensed Naturopathic Doctor through the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. After you have a recommendation from your health-care practitioner, we can answer questions about the way the product works and how to use it.

Thorne also has the following tools to help you:
  • At-home test kits. One way to determine what you need is to take a test. Thorne offers a range of at-home test kits that offer meaningful insights and personalized recommendations. See the range of at-home test kits we offer.
  • Quizzes. If you have questions about which product to take in a specific category, such as a probiotic, a multi-vitamin/mineral, a protein powder, or stress support, then one of our quizzes can help you narrow your choices based on your needs. Check out our range of quizzes.
We know you will find these tools and resources to be useful. After you have your Thorne products, we can answer your product questions.

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