Does Thorne ship internationally?
Yes. Thorne does ship its products internationally. Please review the list of Countries located in the lower left corner of the home page, using the drop down arrow, to see what Countries we currently ship to.
If you order on, please allow up to four to six weeks for delivery, barring any unforeseen Clearance/Customs issues. Please note the end user is responsible for any duty/tax and Customs fees that may be due at time of delivery. For other questions about international shipping, please contact our Customer Service Department at 800-228-1966 or email
If you order on, please allow up to four to six weeks for delivery, barring any unforeseen Clearance/Customs issues. Please note the end user is responsible for any duty/tax and Customs fees that may be due at time of delivery. For other questions about international shipping, please contact our Customer Service Department at 800-228-1966 or email
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